Have been praying for something that is very important for our work for a long time. It was a deal that four people needed to sign off on. In early Nov of 2021 one person seemed to be backing off, his concerns were thankfully resolved, but the signing got delayed.
Then the rest of the month went by.
Then December came and went by.
Christmas and New Year’s day came and went by.
The whole of January came and went by.
And then yesterday I reached out to the parties and I was *amazed* – All four parties had signed off on it — in December of 2021. Apparently due to some internal audit in their firm they didn’t reach out to me to tell me it was approved. And in January when I reached out, everything was shut due to the latest Omicron strain lockdown. No doubt the gentleman I spoke to on the phone told me at the time, “It is done” but I thought he was assuring me it would be done. I had no idea they had all already signed.
All this while, even while I was still praying for it, God had *already* answered my prayer.
On the cross Jesus uttered those same words, “It is done”.
Everything is done. Our salvation, our future is taken care of, our needs, everything. It is done. God has already answered. Even if it not already apparent or known to us. Or even if it answered in a way we didn’t want, God has and will continue to work all things out for our good.
We need not keep crying out for Him to answer. We just need to trust Him and in His timing.
Post 4/52*
I’m doing 52 posts this year 2022: reflections/testimonies/book reviews/whatever God leads. Hopefully you’ll be blessed by something I share! X
Does God answer prayers?