The temperatures in Bombay have soared to almost 40 degrees! A client who had come down from Delhi on work a few days ago was complaining how bad things were in Bombay!!
Today I’m working from home and in an effort to be environmentally conscious and not keep the aircon running all day, I moved from my regular WFH place to a bedroom that doesn’t have any direct sunlight coming in. It got me thinking on how we need to ADAPT to the different seasons life throws at us.
Change of seasons can bring seasonal flus or it can bring excitement for upcoming festivals. But one thing it does bring is the need to adapt. We need to get out our cotton clothes out for summer or our rain shoes for the monsoons or our jackets for the cold.
Spiritually too we go through seasons. Ecclesiastes 3 tells us there are so many seasons we go through, “a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance”.
Whatever the season we’re in, we should remember:
1) God loves us. And in this season too He hasn’t forgotten us, He is building us, He is growing us.
2) God never leaves us. There is no season and no time that God ever leaves us. Even if we’re going through something and can’t feel God, He is still there right besides us. He is faithful.
3) We should adapt – like we’d get out our seasonal clothes, adapt to the season you’re in. If you’re in a time of plenty — give more! If you’re in a time of lack — pray more! If you’re in a time rejoicing — spread the joy! If you’re in a time of mourning — draw even closer to God.
Whatever you’re going through may God guide you to adapt accordingly, knowing that we He is always in control and that He works all things out for our good.
Post 8/52*
I’m doing 52 posts this year 2022: reflections/testimonies/book reviews/whatever God leads. Hopefully you’ll be blessed by something I share! X
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