I’m part of an accountability group where we all check in for our daily prayer and daily Bible reading. Some days if I haven’t read the Bible, I’ll try reading double my daily amount the next day to make up for it.
God recently showed me why that doesn’t work. It’s like how I do double shifts and work and then try sleep a little extra later to make up for the sleep I’ve missed. While I can possibly do this once in a way, if I do this regularly, it will mess up my body. Or imagine not eating food for a day or two and then eating double or thrice the amount to make up for it. It is counterproductive and will damage us physically.
Similarly our spirits NEED to be fed daily. It’s the daily nourishment we need to feed our spirits. It provides us with spiritual strength for the day, spiritual guidance for the day, gratitude for what’s going us, peace daily – what a blessing!
Eat your daily bread, your daily manna. Don’t keep it for tomorrow.
Post 11/52*I’m doing I had planned to do 52 posts this year 2022: reflections/testimonies/book reviews/whatever God leads. Will see what I can do, with His Grace.
Hopefully you’ll be blessed by something I share! X