All the things I don’t have

Was watching a movie about a girl giving birth and I started to think that despite it being something I assumed I’d always have one day, this probably won’t ever happen for me. And it made me extremely sad in that moment.

So often we subconsciously imagine our lives out from an early age – that we’d be married or have kids or reach a particular place in our careers by some point in our lives. And then when hasn’t happened by when we think – or worse still – when it doesn’t seem like it’ll ever happen, it can be heartbreaking.

Here’s three things to do in moments like these:

(01) We need to get our focus OFF ourselves and onto God. Praise puts the focus onto God! Despair flees, joy comes! His plans for us are bigger and better than we can ask for or imagine. Praise Him for His plans for you, whatever it looks like, even if it doesn’t look quite like you imagined or even if you have no idea what it is. His plans ALWAYS > Our plans!

(02) Thank Him for all the things you DO have instead of focusing on everything you don’t. Even if it’s a “small” thing, like being able to use your hands or feet – because so many people don’t have hands or feet or eyes that work. And those “small” things we often take for granted are most often the biggest blessings we don’t realise we have.

(03) Surrender your life to Him again. Trust Him. Be real, tell Him what’s on your heart, but like Jesus say “Nevertheless not my will but Yours be done”. It’s tremendous peace in the long run to know that your steps have been ordered by God.

Bonus: Never give up. God may have something you’ve not imagined in His perfect timing for you. Like the spouse for Ruth long after she lost the first one. Or the child for Hannah or Abraham in their late ages. Or that purpose for Judith when she was a widow. It may not turn out the way we thought, but it will be amazing if it’s God’s way.

Of all the things you and I have, The Faithful and Good Shepherd taking care of us is the best of them.

Post 13/52*
I’m doing I had planned to do 52 posts this year 2022: reflections/testimonies/book reviews/whatever God leads. Will see what I can do, with His Grace.

Hopefully you’ll be blessed by something I share! X

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